Tuesday 24 June 2008

One Self

One Self   
Artist: One Self

   Rap: Hip-Hop


Children Of Possibility   
 Children Of Possibility

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 4


Monday 9 June 2008

Jude Law - Law Heading To Afghanistan

British actor JUDE LAW is planning a trip to war-torn Afghanistan to premiere a film about world peace.

The Alfie star paid a secret visit to the Middle Eastern state last year (07), where he met officials and filmed discussions about the United Nation's (UN) annual Peace Day.

The UN voted unanimously to adopt Peace Day in 2001 after a campaign by Law's friend, British movie-maker Jeremy Gilley.

The resulting film formed part of documentary The Day After Peace, which received its world premiere at the Cannes International Film Festival on Monday (19May08).

Law enjoyed the anonymity he found in the country and is determined to return there to screen the film for the Afghan people.

He says, "They had no idea who I was. I was really there as a B cameraman.

"Organisations can drown under the weight of too many faces. But I will return to Afghanistan to show the film there."

See Also

Sunday 1 June 2008